About Us

Maison Hartley is an independent, family run, award winning business established in 2012 by Jane, the director.......

I owe my career as a print designer to a youth spent in and out of markets, my grandparents' carpet shops and to being able to run free in my (cabinetmaker) Uncle's furniture factory in King's Lynn, Norfolk. My siblings, cousins and I thought nothing of jumping from the machinists' mezzanine floor on to pre-arranged sofa cushions on the floor when the factory was closed at weekends.

At 12 years old and full of curiosity, I sneaked a peak in one of the offices off the main factory floor...there I met a relaxed Trinidadian artist painting out huge floral designs for the furnishing fabrics range that "Whitings "produced.

Tenaciously, I held on to that day until I finally ended up doing an MA in textile design at Central St Martins in London.

Years were spent designing and running my own print studio - this evolved in to designing commercial Interiors ( showhomes, pubs and restaurant).

After so many years helping in my grandparents' and then my mother's shops I could never seem to curb the retailer in me, so in 2012 we took the plunge and invested in a premises in George Street St Albans.

Six years on, we have decided to focus on our online offering and to be able to increase the level of our design service, so we have sold the shop. We have had some really lovely good wishes and our brand is known in the local area, so we are feeling very posiitive about the way forwards. Look out for our own delivery vehicle arriving soon.

This year we are working on producing our own exclusive soft furnishings line so  personally I am very happy to be returning to the drawing board.

Watch this space ! x


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